Do it safely-
Or not at all

Making the sea a safe place to work has been ESVAGT’s mission from day one.
Safety is part of our DNA, and today our safety commitment is as strong as ever.
As we say: Do it safely or not at all.

We build on the ability to navigate any sea safely. Whether we are responding to an emergency with our Fast Rescue Boats or are safely transferring people between our Service Operation Vessels and offshore wind farm farms, it is the combination of skills, competencies, mindset and equipment that makes ESVAGT the preferred safety partner.

Safety first
Safety always comes first. ESVAGT was born from respect and passion for the sea; safety is imbedded in ESVAGT’s DNA and after 40 years, our safety commitment is as strong as ever. 

The ESVAGT safety culture

We believe that a safe and secure working environment is a prerequisite for doing business at sea. Throughout the company we have built a culture in which everyone takes responsibility and pride, an example of which is the Stop the Job Authority. All employees and customers on board have the authority to stop work that is considered unsafe. And it is expected that everyone adheres to their duty. Not because they are told to do so – but because it is the right thing to do.

Rather proactive than reactive

Proactive risk management is the cornerstone of the safety culture at ESVAGT. The aim is to ensure that every activity, operation or design undertaken by ESVAGT is carried out with due consideration for health and safety. If an incident can be prevented through consideration, this is a far better solution than dealing with the  consequences. We use various safety tools to control risks in our operations, including a Safety Management System, Risk Assessment, Toolbox Talks, Safety Meetings, Safety Performance Monitoring and Stop the Job Authority.

“All employees and customers on board have the authority to stop work that is considered unsafe”